Category: Social Care

Charity Recipient, Service User, Customer or Resident?

Dont Assume things about me just cos I live in Care! Living in a residential home, it’s sometimes difficult to work out quite what “role” I take, particularly in other people’s eyes. There are various technical difficulties with living in a building registered as a “business”. For example, the Council won’t collect bulky rubbish, and…

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When is “choice” not “Choice”?

“Choice” in residential care There’s been a movement towards “choice” in social care over the past couple of decades. This has percolated through to some areas of residential care, such that providers who want to claim they are half-decent at least give the appearance of complying with “choice” – along with the standard others such…

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The Hardest Hit: two separate events?

ULOs or Charities – who’s running “The Hardest Hit”? There’s something very odd going on. The UK Disabled People’s Council has joined a coalition of predominantly User Led Orgnisations (with some small or larger charities) to organise a big march, rally and lobby on Wednesday, May 11th over the issue of the ConDem cuts and…

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